रविवार, 7 जनवरी 2018

How to Start a Conversation.

I am telling u About a good conversation, I am writing This thing From Allen & barbara Peace book. 

How to Start a Conversation.

People form up to 90% their opinion about you in the first four minutes of meeting you so It,s Critical to have effective ways ways to start conversation in any situation. You have only three opening topics to choose from to start the conversation.

  • The Situation.
  •  The other person.
  • yourself.
And only three ways to begin.

1. Talking about the situation. 
Talking about the situation you are both in is usually the simplest and easiest way to start. Simply look around the ask an open ended question (How , Why, Tell me about, in what way?) about what u notice. This can be done any where from Example- 

At a Market : - " I notice you are buying Manchurian packet. I have never known how to cook them. How do you prepare that?

At any Art Gallery: What do u think the artist was trying to say?

At a meeting : how did u happen to be at this meeting


2. Talking About the Other Person 

People love to talk about themselves and are happy to respond to any questions you ask about them.

At a Party:- " That's an interesting emblem  on your jacket. What does it stands for? "

At A Meeting : " I notice you voted for redevelopment of the park. In what way do u think the park could be improved ?"


3. Talking About Yourself.

The Rule is here simple - unless someone asks  you a question about yourself, your family, your possession or your occupation or your occupation, They are simply not interested. When starting a conversation, Never volunteer information about yourself unless someone asks. 



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